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richard evans
Does anyone think that psilocin is as good as lsd for meditating.I see meditating as emptying my mind,letting my thoughts exit my mind and project themselves onto the "overflow" otherwise known as the senses,but when I meditate on mushrooms,the nothing that I should be experiencing isn't quite "nothing",it is though it is slightly murky,or as if a bit of dust is on the projector lens,if you know what I mean.Is this to do with the nature and difference of the drugs?I see lsd as a "perfect form",like a crystal,a diamond,and mushrooms as a flawed diamond,so therefore,when "light is shined through that crystal",it isn't quite perfectly clear.Is the ego-death experience possible on mushrooms(liberty caps)?I ask,because I have only managed to achieve while on acid.

Please forgive me for my lack of terminology.I am uneducated in such things,and am just speaking from experience with hallucinogens(or is it entheogens?I've always called them hallucinogens.What is the difference between the two terms?)
Substance abuser#9181985
This question may seem a little unanswereable due to the fact, that everyone's philosophies and perspectives differ from time to time, and the different perspectives and such react differently with different drugs, basically its a fine line to determine which drug can free you, individually speaking. This may be the case as you have stated that only Lsd can cause pure ego death, and others may find this to not be the case, the bottom line is, the drugs reaction is based more on the person and less on the drug in such cases as this. To your other question from my understanding hallucinogen is any drug causes hallucinations and entheogen is a broader term regarding drugs that are'nt defined by just a hallucination, but rather a god or spiritual experience.
Richard from experience I've broken down entheogens I use into 3 sections

LSD - mind opening and perception enhancing drug, taken with many questions in mind, and complete openess to whatever experience ( good or bad ) may come.

Mushrooms - a spiritual , and peaceful introspection, seeking of hidden truths or misunderstanding with my psyche

Mesculine / specifically Lophoro Williamsii - death of ego in no uncertain terms, a wonderful and beautiful experience every moment. Not done often with at least one year breaks between trips/ journeys. I grow my own and have spent 10 years cultivating these plants.

./Steve aka Soma
still being
I agree with substance abuser .
in addition , i have gotten to the point where i have met more and more people who had their heaviest experiences on OTHER things
like AYAHUASCA ( not for me , thank you )
Or all night Cocaine and sex binges followed by AMBIEN (not for me thanks)
or candyflipping
or a mix of MDMA and speed ( that was one of my SLOW FROZEN ZEN NIGHTS!)
or peyote ( a friend of mine ) ( whereas cacti did VERY little for me ! all types felt more like a coffee with a bit of a shroom thrown in it !!)
or , of course, DXM .

and by the way I have been meeting more people have hated shrroms than ever before ( is this because there are more shrooms being grown now than 22 years ago when i first tried them ? thats not a rhetorical Q)
but anyway more peopel say to me
I hate em ! they in teh end left me DEPRESSED. They ended up being dark and useless for meditation , insights , or even fun .
Am I the only one who's heard this a lot ? whereas with lsd it was more craziness as opposed to depression and craziness seems to go away faster.

been very subjective i guess, but then thats the whole point isnt it , the inherent
problem ! lol
At first the psychedelic drugs were called psychotomimetic (mimicking psychosis). Then they were called hallucinogens, which is their usual name in the scientific literature. Now they are often called entheogens, a term I think is biased toward religious feeling.

According to Dr. Timothy Leary, and others, all the psychedelics (e.g., mescaline, psylocybin, and LSD) have the same effect: consciousness expansion. It should be noted that he was referring to the pure synthetic form of the drugs, not the plant materials in which some of them occur in nature.

While it is true that the core experience of consciousness expansion is religious in nature, I prefer the neutral term psychedelic (mind manifesting) because it is descriptive of the drugs' direct effects, as documented in the scientific literature.
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