BrainMeta was established for the purpose of accelerating the development of neuroscience through web-based initiatives, which include the development, implementation and support of a wide range of neuroinformatics tools, services, and databases.
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Philosophical Motivation
The world is our creation,
it is a thing created by mind, it is a mental
construct. This is what BrainMeta seeks to communicate to others,
so that they may open their eyes to this fact, so that they may go on to
create something more than what is, and to instill the world with new and
greater meaning. Too many today do not appreciate the essentially
'constructive nature' of reality. It is all a mental construct. We are
deceived by the fact that we are humans with human consciousness.... we
rarely venture outside the realms of our human consciousness, and thus we
see the world with human eyes. Naturally, the vast majority of people are blind to
this because humans are predisposed and 'programmed' to construct the world in human terms.
Do you know who or what you are? Think about it.
There are many illusions in life. The arguably tragic thing is that so many
people of the past have lived their entire lives in illusion. They believed
in their mental constructs, and took them to be the truth of things. They were confined within their human consciousness, and
never looked beyond. They never saw the true potential of consciousness,
nor realized the constructive nature of reality. They never realized that
their 'truths' were simply mental constructs, including their own sense of
If anything, BrainMeta seeks to awaken people to the fact that the full
potential of consciousness has not yet been realized, and that in order to
begin realizing it, we must potentiate our consciousness, and ultimately, transcend our human consciousness. This may be
brought about in many different ways, and while spiritual insight is
important for awakening one to the latent potential of consciousness,
the most important way for fully realizing this potential will be through the use of science as a tool, or more specifically, through the
adequate understanding of brain mechanisms and the manipulation and
enhancement of the human brain and its functioning, in order to make it more
than human.
It is inevitable that in the near future, neuroscience will unleash a veritable revolution in consciousness and its study, that will result in a paradigm shift orders of magnitude larger than any in science preceding it.
BrainMeta seeks to help fulfull the potential that neuroscience offers us all, in part by providing information over the upcoming revolution in consciousness that will come from neuroscience, and additionally, by providing tools, information, and opportunities for facilitating and accelerating the further development of neuroscience.
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